EXCLUSIVE ARTICLES SUBSCRIPTION: Get the latest insight into Complex Trauma & PTSD

Containment for CPTSD: How to Navigate Emotional Flooding

  • Do you want to reduce anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and being “ON” alert constantly?
  • Do you want to move out of a dissociated, fatigued and depressed state?
  • Do you want to work with anger and reestablishing boundaries?
  • Are you interested in sleeping better, having better relationships, and being able to live a normal life?

I have created The Trauma Care Exclusive Package which address the most fundamental insights into the processes of trauma and dissociation and how you can work through them.

  • Jennifer Morse says:

    I am very impressed with your experience and expertise. Thank you for your free video. I am struggling with containment but I haven’t been able to digest the experience completely until just now.

  • Kate says:

    Love it. Complete game-changer.

  • Julie S says:

    Your wisdom is resonating and makes sense. I really appreciate your having shared this.

  • Vladimir says:

    Explained so eloquently, what a beautiful video. Thank you Roland. It resonated with me on all the levels you described. Health, peace, love and joy 🙏

  • Melissa says:

    This is such a tricky concept at a felt sense/sensation level. I have been doing the trauma care meditations for some time.This often results in some shaking followed by a feeling of calmness and temporary increase in energy in my body and then tiredness for a day or two after. It is hard to discern whether I am actually working through the layers of stored energy/building up resilience or just perpetuating the cycle. As the body processes the stored charge, could that result in temporary tiredness?

    • Roland says:

      Sometimes the tiredness can be when you sink into the body as your fight/flight activation goes down. At times, tiredness can be a form of dissociation of not having to feel the activation. You will have to see which one is which for you when it happens. Sometimes, it can be a bit of both. Confusing…, yes.

  • Anne says:

    Dear Roland,

    I’m so thankful my path has finally found its way to your door! Your knowledge, clarity and insight are truly profound. I am benefitting immensely from the generous content you share online. May God continue to bless you, and your brilliant work!

  • Jillian byrne says:

    because there’s not a single person in my circle that would ever get that

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