Use These Somatic Guided Meditations Today to Drastically Improve Your Sleep & Reduce Insomnia Related to Complex Trauma or PTSD

Not being able to sleep, fall asleep, stay asleep, or have a restful sleep are very common symptoms when dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress. 

Your fight-flight mechanism and accompanying hormones are likely to be on overdrive; fatiguing your adrenals and affecting your overall health.

Furthermore, when you suffer, you naturally attempt to get away from it and try to overcome it.

Although this is a natural response, that expectation of wanting to sleep puts more pressure on yourself by creating a dual state of mind.

As sleep is so important for your health and well-being—and a lack of sleep is such a common symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress—I have created a course on working with this particular symptom of Post-Trauma Stress.

Introducing the

Course On Sleep & Insomnia 

Related to Post-Traumatic Stress

What's Inside the Course on Sleep & Insomnia Related to Post-Traumatic Stress

Have a look into what you are gaining from each meditation/somatic exercise and which specific topics are being covered.

Click on each heading below to see what's inside.

Part 01: Trying to Overcome Sleep & How It Creates Conflict

Part 02: Addressing The Deeper Layers of Why You Can't Sleep

Part 03: Physiological Tools to Help You Sleep

Part 04: When Sleep Is Your Escape, Your Dissociation

Part 05: Burnout, Pleasing, Sleep Issues, and Post-Traumatic Stress

About The Course Facilitator,

Roland Bal

In the field since 2002, I have helped hundreds of people, through individual sessions, to make significant change in their personal well being. Additionally, I have reached many thousands more through my insightful, accurate, and descriptive writings about the harrowing conditions of Complex Trauma and PTSD, and have pointed the way towards what can be done about it in order to heal.

My unique approach focuses on containing, regulating and processing, dissociation, the fight-flight-freeze-please responses, and re-learning boundaries and vulnerability.

I'll be honored to work with you and help you make real progress towards recovery!

Roland Bal

Why This Course On Sleep & Insomnia Might be Just What You Need

  • Dodie writes “Sleep was just not happening, and for the first time in almost 2 years, I have begun to have some nights of deep REM sleep, and actually waking up refreshed."
  • Sally says “These meditations have been such a valuable tool when I wake early in the morning and cannot go back to sleep.”
  • Kate says “My sleep has improved in the sense that it is deeper and generally longer. At times, when I haven't been able to sleep, I have watched the videos and found them to be soothing. My body has felt deeply rested and I haven't woken up tired.”
  • Caroline mentions “The somatic exercises make everything in the previous meditations come together and are changing my physical reality in a helpful way.”
  • Gordana writes “Comforting words that wakes my self-compassion, and brings peace in my whole nervous system, and that makes me sleepy.”
  • Ashwin writes in “Sleep is such a thing that the more you struggle to get it, the more evasive it becomes. I obviously don’t remember what it is like for a baby to listen to a lullaby, but I am guessing as an adult struggling with an unhealthy nervous system and obsessive thinking these meditations had the exact same effect on me. I feel incredibly relaxed after listening to them.”

What Dodie, Sally, Kate, Caroline, Gordano & Ashwin have in common is that they all are dealing with the symptoms of Sleep & Insomnia Related to Complex Trauma or PTSD; and they made significant progress to sleep better and reduce their stress.

Hence, if you have similar symptoms like them, you really can't afford not to get this Course On Sleep & Insomnia.


course on sleep


Related to Post-Traumatic Stress



  • 5 Somatic Guided Meditations
  • PDF Guide to Improve Sleep
  • PDF Healthy Sleep Routines
  • Life-time Access!
  • One-time Payment!

Here’s what people are saying about these somatic meditations for Improving your Sleep

Have a look at these authentic testimonials from people who love Roland's work!



My sleep has improved.

I have found the meditations to relax my body significantly. My sleep has improved in the sense that it is deeper and generally longer. At times, when I haven't been able to sleep, I have watched the videos and found them to be soothing. My body has felt deeply rested and I haven't woken up tired.


United States

Helping me shift.

These are helping me shift how I view and, therefore, experience lying in bed next to insomnia. The somatic exercises make everything in the previous meditations come together and are changing my physical reality in a helpful way. I’m extremely grateful to have found Roland’s work. As a lot of us have learned, talk therapy isn’t the answer for all the physical issues brought on by dealing with this stuff.


United States

Helps me NOT do battle with what’s present.

Early morning awakening with the mind and body wide awake in sympathetic activation is what keeps me from adequate sleep. The information and perspective you offer helps me NOT do battle with what’s present in the wee hours of the morning and instead, understand and work with my breath, body sensations, thoughts and emotions in calm, compassionate ways that settle and soothe. That is invaluable whether or not I return to sleep.

Get This Offer and Improve Your Sleep Today!

I can’t stress this enough: These aren’t your regular meditations and somatic exercises.

They are the sum total of my many years of working in the field of trauma, and they are packed with valuable information in addition to the meditative aspect.

These Somatic Meditations On Sleep & Insomnia will help you to deal with the various aspects of why you can't sleep, restless sleep, and dealing with the difficulties when waking up at night.

They go into describing the processes of how your mind works, related to trauma and insomnia, and how you can work through these difficulties; as well as guiding you into a calmer space.

By addressing trauma and how it relates to your sleep and insomnia issues, you will help rebalance your mind and nervous system and improve your immune system and hormonal functioning.

As a by-product, your sleep will improve!

This course comes with a 15-days money-back guarantee! I trust that you will give this course your best effort to make it work for you.

Get this Course On Sleep & Insomnia right now, for only $47.00 - (regular value $147.00), to help you improve your sleep today.

Get access to this limited time, special offer!


course on sleep


Related to Post-Traumatic Stress



  • 5 Somatic Guided Meditations
  • PDF Guide to Improve Sleep
  • PDF Healthy Sleep Routines
  • Life-time Access!
  • One-time Payment!

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