Complex trauma and ptsd recovery testimonials
Have a look at these authentic testimonials from people who love Roland's work!
Roland's integrity and gentleness creates a safe place to share thoughts and feelings. To tangibly feel and experience the changes Roland and I worked on within myself is significant for me. Especially, after the sessions finished, I have maintained these changes and my responses are positively different in stressful situations. I feel in understanding my dissociation responses I had developed and releasing the built up emotions I was able to change them and for this time am grateful.
South Africa
Extremely professional and caring.
Roland is extremely professional and caring. I felt seen, heard and understood. His coaching sessions are of the highest quality of excellence. I felt I was in good hands, and well supported and guided. I felt empowered after each session, and grateful for the opportunity to work with him one on one. I feel capable to work through triggering situations in a more self contained and resilient way thanks to our work together. Many thanks!
United States
Connect with my struggles and heal deeper.
A lot of what I learned about CPTSD from Roland, I had never heard before. He helped me connect with my struggles and heal deeper than I had ever experienced, with a very gentle but effective approach. My mind and nerves are drastically calmer and I am feeling more grounded, less disassociated, and more hopeful about my future. I now have useful tools to help me as I continue on my journey and try to move forward with my life. He was easy to work with and I felt that he understood my situation more than anyone I have worked with so far. Thank you Roland!
United States
Your writings have become an invaluable.
I've only just come across you and your writings have become an invaluable aid in my recovery. You have helped me heal through knowledge, something no one could help me with in the past 10 years.
United Kingdom
It really strikes a cord.
Hi Roland, I didn't mention how informative the material you send out is; it really strikes a chord in the way I've been feeling over the years. So, thank you very much for helping me in my journey of moving forward.
I love reading your posts.
I love reading your posts & the way you approach trauma. I was initially subscribed to your page for my son who has had a major setback. It has helped him to get back on his feet again, so I feel very grateful.
Very accessible.
Well written content. Roland articulates the challenges of trauma in a very accessible way.
United Kingdom
Well put together.
Concise information, well put together.
United Kingdom
A sense of safety.
A thoughtful, well rounded approach to trauma recovery. The guided meditations allowed me to feel a a sense of safety while mediating that I was previously missing.
United States
Tremendously helped me.
The work with Roland tremendously helped me to get a better understanding of my issues with boundary setting and managing my vulnerabilities . He is really sincere in his work & that gave me much needed support to talk through frustrating issues which he was able to grasp quite well.
United States
An eye opener for me!
Roland is highly educated and experienced when it comes to trauma. He has assisted me greatly in my healing journey. He genuinely cares for those he works with and it shows. I have noticed a lot of positive shifts as I continue to get stronger.
Your meditations help me to become balanced.
Roland understands the issues surrounding PTSD well and is a gentle and lovable person to work with. I have both enjoyed as well as learned from his sessions and healing has been tangible for once.
United States
Allowed me to return to work.
Supports like your emails and informative video posts have allowed me to return to work. You mean more than you’ll ever know.
New Zealand
Helped me immensely.
Thank you for your presence in this world as your wise words have already helped me immensely.
I feel safe.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I feel safe with the knowledge that you are ‘out there’.
I have been honored many times by being part of someone's PTSD and Complex PTSD recovery and healing process and contributing to that person's overall health.
I have worked with people suffering from all kinds of ailments, including strokes, brain-injuries, post-surgery, post-birth, and post-accident issues; fibromyalgia and other chronic pains; depression, cancer, addiction, mild and severe abuse, neglect, misattunement, rape and sexual abuse, ritual abuse, being unwanted, Parkinson, arthritis, bulimia, migraines, and too many other issues to mention.
Every person I have connected with has taught me something. Some I have helped partly along their way; with others, I have been witness to a complete transformation. Each one has had a story to tell and has taken something valuable out of our relationship.
I look forward to connect with you.
I am the founder of this website, and am responsible for the daily workings of this platform for Resolving Complex Trauma and PTSD, and for keeping it updated with insightful and useful content. I use a cognitive and somatic (body) based psycho-therapeutic approach to effectively treat Complex Trauma and PTSD.
My approach focuses on regulating, processing and containing the processes of dissociation, the fight-flight-freeze-please responses, and relearning boundaries and vulnerability.
Roland Bal
United States
Your clarity lights up my darkness.
Thank you for your clarity as it lights up my darkness. Your posts are really the only thing that make sense to me. They have helped me to reframe an unbelievable life. It's work like yours that give me pause for just long enough to get on my feet again. Thank you, because I never ever thought I'd ever get my normal life abilities back or find peace as-is. I see now both are possible.
Changed my life.
Your teachings have changed my life. I've learned to observe my amplified reactions to triggers, to feel them in my body as well as releasing the emotional energy that was lodged in me. This has changed my whole world in a very powerful way.
South Africa
An enormous amount of relief.
Just wanted to say thank you. I have an enormous amount of relief reading your blogs. You are the first person I have ever felt actually knows what my reality is like. Doesn't fix it but eternally grateful to feel known. May God bless you and keep you.
How much I've grown!
Thank you SO much for the guidance you have provided. I can't believe how much I've grown already, and I know I couldn't have done this on my own.
United Kingdom
You are my greatest support!
Everything I read from you teaches me something and gives me just a little more understanding into my life. Thank you for all that you do. You are my greatest support!
Your writing is concise and easily understood.
I want to tell you that I greatly appreciate your work. Your writing is concise and easily understood, and your insights very helpful. I find your work to be among some of the finest!
Very useful information
Very useful information to switch perspectives, understanding processes and patterns, and to see where action is necessary and where it's not. Thanks!
United States
More helpful to me than many counselors.
These books have been more helpful to me than the many counselors that I have tried throughout my life. Thank you so much for writing these and making them available to people like me.
Packed with information.
So happy I purchased all the ebooks! Packed with information that I understood with ease and very much needed to know.
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United States
Touched a sensitive spot in my soul.
I came across Roland's website while I was doing my research on how the deal with trauma resulted from the loss of my husband. As an individual who likes to be in control of her emotions, Roland's words touched a sensitive spot in my soul. I was resonating with what he was presenting in his teachings. We set up the first session, and the rest is history. I have worked with Roland for a year. He showed me how to tune into my body so that I can manage feelings of pain and sadness, how to allow grief and pain to be with me, but not dwell in them for too long. He helped me channel the nightmares I had at one point by trying to help me find the meaning behind them. He taught me how to create that space that would allow me to grieve without being overwhelmed by it. I am forever grateful to you, Roland, for pulling me out of that darkness that was engulfing me each day. Saying only "thank you" is not enough to express my appreciation and respect towards you as a professional and a human being.
Pivotal healers in my life.
We all have teachers on our journey, and I consider you one of the great teachers as well as pivotal healers in my life. Thank you so much Roland.
United States
Love your work.
I really, really love your work and your message; myself, being an empath and survivor of childhood narcissistic abuse and adult narcissistic abuse, and recovering from CPTSD.
United States
Deeply touched and impressed.
I came across your website the other day and I am deeply touched and impressed with your writing and videos. It's so clear, concise, to the point, elegant... and I am not accustomed to seeing this level of grace.
South Africa
Have meant the world to me.
These Trauma Essentials and blog articles have meant the world to me. They tied together symptoms and behaviors that years of psychoanalysis and self study have not done. Now I have an explanation and I can finally get a grip on the problem.
United States
May save your life.
Roland's books have been essential to my healing of Complex PTSD. One can not rely on the support of a knowledgeable therapist alone, yet, you can arm yourself with this type of helpful information that may save your life.
United Kingdom
Absolutely loves these books
I bought these trauma essential series to help me understand more about the immense trauma my wife has been through as a child and as an adult. She absolutely loves these books. So, they are helping her and that makes my heart glow it's brightest. Thank you so much Roland!
Major resource in healing trauma.
While looking for help dealing with my angry emotional responses to criticism, I read Roland's ebooks and recognized that a lot of my reactions and experiences were similar to others with PTSD. I felt quite a lot of relief simply in seeing that I was not alone in that and to see constant childhood criticism described as a trauma rather than a personal weakness which is how I felt about it. Typically I'm quite introverted and like to work and figure things out by myself. However, I am really glad that I met Roland for a block of sessions because sometimes you really do need somebody to help you move through an issue that you are not willing to do by yourself or that your mind just avoids. I found a great benefit in having someone non-judgmental who is so experienced to guide me through the session, to focus on what needed to be focused on and to help find the balance necessary to feel and examine an emotion without sinking into it. He was also great in helping me to examine the feelings and emotions that surrounded those issues and I often felt that he was like a mind reader when something came to mind and he asked me about it without me even saying anything. Following my block of sessions with Roland, I feel that I have a much healthier and happier set of emotional responses and I feel that my different emotions and my thinking are much better integrated now. As quite a cynical person it was a revelation to see the extent to which emotional responses were held and could be felt in the body and the extent to which they related to other emotions and responses as well as to past events. I'm delighted with how beneficial the block of sessions have been and I'm also intend to continue putting Roland's advice into practice and look forward to seeing how that will continue to improve my life. I would recommend him to anyone looking for help dealing with trauma or other issues from their past, or indeed to anyone looking for help improving their life. Thanks a million Roland!
There is hope.
I have read many many books on this complex and harrowing condition. Roland Bals really gets to the heart of what it it is to like to live every day with C-PTSD . He writes with a unique insight and authenticity rarely found elsewhere. The underlying truth and message is despite any trauma that happened in your life, there is hope. As a healthcare professional and someone who lives with CPTSD I would advise to read and connect with Roland's work.
United Kingdom
Concise and very accurately articulated
Excellent! I've read some seminal books on trauma like Judith Herman's book "Trauma and Recovery" which is an absolute must read if you want to understand trauma and its consequences but also what actually happens to you at the time of trauma. These e-books are right up there with the best of the research I've done over the years-- which is quite extensive believe me! These e-books are wonderfully concise and very accurately articulated and well drawn out by Roland. I really can't recommend them highly enough!!
Highly recommend it.
At 57, with the trauma taking place at 12, I have fought my PTSD demons for many years and have often been met with non-understanding, judgmental attitudes, little sympathy and therefore suffering severely in the past. The material these books cover is to the point, full of helpful hints and suggestions, and easy to read and understand. In my opinion, they can be instrumental in getting away from the suffering trauma brings into our lives. Highly recommend it to people suffering from PTSD.
South Africa
Well written and accessible.
The information is well written and accessible, making it easy to understand, but more importantly to engage with it practically. I have found the material insightful and useful and this makes it a meaningful resource.
United States
Gave me insight and understanding.
I have done a ton of research on PTSD and CPTSD. I have gone to counseling off and on. I must have been ready for these books because they really gave me the insight and understanding to work more deeply with myself. In essence the books said 'This is what you are dealing with and why'. And I realized now the pieces fit and I know what to do. Thanks!
United States
Practical, simple, and effective.
Roland has helped me look at trauma issues from a very practical, simple, and most importantly, effective viewpoint. I've seen a lot of progress on my journey by understanding trauma binding factors, as he describes them.
United States
Keen insights regarding the brain in trauma mode.
Roland has keen insights regarding the brain in trauma mode and a deep understanding of how to process and heal from it.
United States
Gave me insight and understanding.
It was so good to read info that was relevant and understandable.
United States
How to work safely with clients.
Very good explanation of trauma and how to work safely with clients.
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New Zealand
Completely changed my perspective.
Thank you Roland for the audio meditations, I've been actively using them for about 1 month now and they have completely changed my perspective on my healing and allowed for lots of energy to start moving. For the first time in almost a year I could feel the breathing in my ribs after a meditation session. And I'm learning to be with my fatigue instead of fighting it which is proving effective. Your insight and soothing voice helps guide me to a space in which change can occur. Very grateful for your work.
United States
Helped me to better manage my anxiety.
I have found the meditations to be useful on a number of levels. They have helped me to better manage my anxiety and my response to intrusive memories; they have taught me a lot about myself, and they have taught me a lot about trauma. I listen to them often, and each time I learn something new. Roland's approach is logical, sensitive, and validating, which makes these an excellent resource for recovery. I recommend them highly and without reservation.
United States
Made some very good improvements.
I have dealt with complex trauma for many years. Through cognitive behavioral therapy and EMDR I had made some very good improvements, but there had been lingering effects that I just hadn't been able to address. I have been using these meditations pretty consistently for about a month now, listening to one each morning and then going back through them all again in turn. I have to say that since listening to the meditations, I have not experienced the effects I had been having due to the trauma. I am sincerely thankful that I found these meditations and have recommended them to a family member that I think could also benefit from them. Many, many, many thanks to Roland for this great work in helping people make the emotional shifts needed to actually move beyond living with the effects of complex trauma!!!
United States
You have gained my trust 100%
You are a master at meditation and your knowledge of Complex PTSD is beyond anything I have ever known. It is hard to trust when you suffer from trauma but you have gained my trust 100% with your caring and understanding approach. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to learn from you and experience the meditations that are so helpful.
Simple and carefully created.
I am grateful for this tool to help me process my overwhelming emotional experience. I feel safe to embark on and continue to use these simple and carefully created and paced guided meditations to relieve my pain.
United States
I have found I can find a release.
Roland’s meditation series gently walks you through and allows you to begin to touch into the trauma response. I often find meditation quite difficult because trauma response doesn’t allow me to drop in. In actively addressing the Somatic reactions innate to trauma within the meditation I have found I can find a release.
Excellent for finding peace.
Excellent for finding peace and tranquility at 2 am when activated and full of business. Highly recommended.
Easy to listen to and gently paced.
The recordings are easy to listen to and gently paced. I've felt a good connection to my body when using them.
United States
Very helpful.
These meditations have been very helpful in guiding me more fully into embodiment.
United States
Really speaks to the nuances of CPTSD.
Roland really speaks to the nuances of c-ptsd/developmental trauma. He helped me to understand the concept of needing to contain uncomfortable emotions in small doses with a safe trauma trained professional. He also helped me to understand the concept of how unresolved trauma has a cyclical nature and if not truly resolved, it can cause a person to become dependent on a therapist vs. true resolution. I highly recommend these ebooks.
South Africa
I am beginning to really understand.
I have lived with PTSD for most of my life. I have been to counseling and I am also studying psychology part time as I work. Your ebooks are very informative and I am beginning to really understand and process what I have experienced. You seem to really get what PTSD is about at the most basic level. I have found your words very helpful and reassuring to know that someone really understands. Thank you for sharing.
You have gained my trust 100%.
The information that Roland presents in these materials helped me to access deeper understanding of my own locked up emotions so I could make progress in recognizing, processing, and resolving them. Combined with some other healing modalities I recently made a quantum leap in releasing my own personal trauma and am now living a very happy and fulfilled life. The information presented by Roland was an essential piece of the puzzle that contributed to my healing, and for that I am grateful.
New Zealand
Easy to relate to.
Really helpful... Easy to relate to... I read a little most nights... Each time I read I learn something new about myself and grow a little more.
United States
Very helpful in my journey toward recovery.
Roland's materials have been very helpful in understanding my journey toward recovery.
I feel incredibly relaxed.
The meditations feel powerful, almost addictive / hypnotic. I feel incredibly relaxed after listening to them.
United States
Have really resonated.
I have read many books about PTSD, but Roland's are the only ones that have really resonated. I have often had the experience when reading that I occasionally recognized my own experiences on the pages; Roland's are the only books, however, in which I saw myself on every page, and in which the approach towards healing and the theories behind it made sense to me, and were something I could imagine being able to accomplish. This was the first time that I was able to both see my damaged self, and then imagine my healed self. It is clear to me that Roland understands trauma from the inside, and has used this understanding to create a unique approach towards healing that will last over time and distance.
New Zealand
Confirm my new understanding completely.
I had been misdiagnosed for over 25 years when I decided that most of what I'd been told wasn't making sense, apart from OCD. I wasted 10 years trying to conquer OCD as if it was the sole reason for my depression/anxiety. I wish I had known that OCD is only a part of a much bigger picture, the flashbacks were the true indicator of what I experience. I work now with a psychologist who diagnosed and is treating me for CPTSD, Roland's books confirm my new understanding completely, I have gained more healing in 20 months than I did in over 25 years. I recommend reading these books.
United States
An extremely helpful survival guide.
To anyone suffering from any type of trauma, for example PTSD and CPTSD, Roland's material will definitely help you understand why your thought patterns and behaviors are so hard to change. These articles will most definitely help you be mindful and aware of what happens when certain daily situations trigger helplessness and severe forms of dissociation. An extremely helpful survival guide for trauma and PTSD to help you learn and better manage PTSD.
United Kingdom
They explain these deep difficult complexities.
These books are so helpful as they explain these deep difficult complexities and processes. I never felt so understood. Thank you. After decades of loneliness I think I might be able to break down these walls without loosing myself.
United States
A concise and positive way.
Finally a way to find answers quickly to a specific area you might be struggling with. As most people with CPTSD, each day can bring new feelings and emotions and these books address those in a concise and positive way. I no longer feel hopeless and have began to understand how to deal with issues I might be having. I no longer feel like CPTSD is controlling me. I am controlling it.
South Africa
Helping me see what I needed.
I really needed help to move froward and release a lot in my life. I was stuck for a very long time and searching for a way to release myself and move forward. I went to see a psychologist, joined online groups, tried other methods, read a lot and searched a lot until I stumbled across this program. Nothing to date has been able to assist me and serve me as well as this program. Thanks you so much Roland for helping me see what I needed to and for helping me and those around me understand more. It is the first time since I have started searching that I have been able to confidently say that I can move forward with certainty.
United States
Good value.
Good value. Learning about a complex issue that has effected my life in ways that were uncertain until reading the information provided in these text.
United States
Relevant and understandable.
It was so good to read info that was relevant and understandable.
United Kingdom
Exceptional approach to healing trauma.
Roland's exceptional approach to healing trauma is the only one of its kind and the very best in the world .. there is now hope for healing, finally.. I refer to the ebooks frequently and find them comforting, restoring balance whilst nourishing the soul.
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Hypnotic in its calming.
Roland's voice has a wonderful sonorous quality. Hypnotic in its calming. The content is excellent based on all his years of experience as a therapist. I would highly recommend these meditations as a great tool to practice as homework during therapy sessions.
A great tool.
I am glad I bought the Trauma Care Guided Audio Meditations. For me they are very helpful, giving more insight. They are a great tool to learn to hold what is too much to hold, and to understand what is going on with mind and body. I also bought the ebooks, they are very good information for me and easy to understand. Thank you!
Compassionate and patient.
The trauma care meditations have helped me to get back in touch with my body, emotions and senses and are informative and interesting. Roland's approach is compassionate and patient and the gentle, guiding process helps me to feel safe, relaxed and confident to grow my awareness and to explore and learn more about myself. The explanation and guidance on control, anxiety and resistance was an eye opener for me as I wasn't even aware of all the control and resistance was exercising.
Very useful as a reminder.
I did one on one sessions with Roland and these meditations are very useful as a reminder of what we have been working on. It is really effective this way! Definitely, something I am using on a weekly basis.
The content is rich and deep.
These are extraordinary meditations that guide the listener through a gentle, well-paced approach to healing from trauma. The content is rich and deep, but easy to receive because there is so much support and insight offered from Roland Bal.
United KIngdom
An invaluable guide.
These meditations have been an invaluable guide in gradually and safely learning how to lean into and hold space for post-trauma pain.
A helpful tool.
A helpful tool with a familiar trusted voice outside of the regular sessions interaction.
Would recommend.
I would recommend this meditation series. Very useful and affordable therapy.
Knows what he is talking about.
Very helpful to get access to your body and the emotions stored there. Roland knows what he is talking about when it comes to trauma.
Truly relieved.
After years of suffering and countless therapists and meditations I was truly relieved to come across Roland and his books that gave me the explanations that have eluded me all of this time at 48 I have hope and a direction towards healing and living my best life as a choice not a reaction to past trauma.
New Zealand
An eye opener for me!
I have read this book whilst working with a psychologist who utilizes much of the same approaches to trauma outlined and explained in detail throughout the books. The books are a great way to remind myself of what I am learning to live with and through. I think they are an asset and a meaningful addition to any other treatment being utilized by individuals seeking comfort in their time of need.
Your meditations help me to become balanced.
I have been listening to the meditations and they are worth every penny spent. I have been working with a trauma therapist for several years, and I have learned and grown a lot, but these meditations have done more to help me connect with myself and my body in ways that I haven't done in the two years with my psychologist. I am very grateful to have these and will be listening to them regularly. Thank you so very much for creating them and making them available.
New Zealand
A brilliant alternative.
I have used more traditional meditation for a long time to help in managing CPTSD, but have often found these can be too confronting if I am in a particularly vulnerable place. Roland's trauma care meditations are a brilliant alternative that offers ways to work at a more or less intense level depending on how I feel each day. These audios are really helping to get the CPTSD back under control and significantly reducing the impact it has on my day to day life. Thank you Roland.
Help me to balance.
I love to meditate, but it is difficult for me not to space out or get overwhelmed by deep emotions. Your meditations help me to balance being present and not going too deep or getting lost. Thank you for putting in so much effort, also with the email-reminders and short articles. I find them very clear and helpful.
UNited States
They are simple but effective.
I've always wanted to use meditation to my benefit, but I was afraid because I didn't know what I was doing and with severe disassociation I knew I needed to be careful. The best thing about Roland's meditations is that they are simple but effective. They don't overwhelm you. I still have a long way to go but these are teaching me how to sit with my emotions. To be able to acknowledge them and not have to push them away gives me some power back. I believe it's the beginning of my healing process. I haven't felt hope in a long time. I can't hold on to it for long but just knowing it's still there for me is amazing.
Loving your books and meditations.
I'm loving your books and meditations and they are very effective. I've never read and heard so much powerful insight and direction packed in such few words on trauma healing.
Practical, informative and concise.
Roland's materials are practical, informative and concise. His passion for helping others through his work is evident in the quality of his materials.
New Zealand
Great resources
Great resources which gave me a lot of insight and allowed me to work on key things relevant to me.
[buy-button-trauma-essentials-book price="198.00,186.00" currency="USD, EUR" currency-symbol="$, €" button-label="BUY NOW" product-description="The Trauma Care Audio Course" item-category="AUDIO" sku="AM101" fake-price="198.00,186.00" regular-price="198.00,186.00"]
United States
Scarily accurate.
Roland's ebooks are terrific, but scarily accurate in terms of dealing with and healing from CPTSD. I have found that slowly reading through the material, and taking breaks from time to time to mull over the information, keeps the triggering to a minimum. Roland's books are certainly a catalyst for change. He is a "wise guy". Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Roland.
I'm feeling very hopeful.
I feel grateful for the information & understanding in your ebooks, simply because it has provided the vocabulary we needed to describe what is happening for my son in a tangible language. The other golden point has been for him to realize that he is not the only one struggling with the issues you discuss, in a way he will hear it. He has now agreed to get professional help rather than going around & around on the same issues without moving forward & alienating his friends who sincerely want to help but retreat when it seems he just wants to remain angry. So, your books have put names to his concerns, & potential light at the end of the process so I'm feeling very hopeful that we might get our beautiful boy back.
Clear understanding of trauma.
It gave a clear understanding of trauma and its effects on a person which helped to validate my feelings and explain things in a way that resonated with me. I’ve since been in touch with my therapist again to continue with my plan to heal.
Understands the depth of suffering and distress.
I really feel that Roland understands the depth of suffering and distress caused by trauma and all its impacts. I think his teaching and grasp of trauma is without rivals.
Right on the money.
Right on the money with information and how the past has affected the present. Well written
South Africa
Well written content.
Well written content. Roland articulates the challenges of trauma in a very accessible way.
Good value.
The books help to explain and sort out what trauma does and what helps to heal from PTSD. Thank you.
United States
Relevant and understandable.
It was so good to read info that was relevant and understandable.
Insightful, educational, relevant.
Insightful, educational, relevant, and very informative.
Clear, concise explanations.
Clear, concise explanations with a message of hope that a better, calmer, healthier life is possible.
United States
Very good info on CPTSD.
Very good info on CPTSD.
Excellent, very helpful content.
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I could relate.
These books were easy to read and understand considering the complexity of the issue. I could relate to much of the theory and the knowledge has been the catalyst for some profound changes in my life. I am well read, have a diploma of counseling, work in community services and have life experience yet this book explained the explainable and I felt met and seen in a way that I have not experienced before. I highly recommend this download to anyone who has been abandoned by a parent and suffered physical and emotional abuse in childhood.
United States
Answered so many questions.
These ebooks answered so many questions and clarified so many things that were going on in my life. They resonated so with me so much that I sent a set to my mom who is my nephews primary care giver. I know they will help her to understand both him and me better.
Clear understanding of trauma.
It gave a clear understanding of trauma and its effects on a person which helped to validate my feelings and explain things in a way that resonated with me. I’ve since been in touch with my therapist again to continue with my plan to heal.
United States
Such valuable information!
Thank you Roland Bal for sharing such valuable information! I have hope now, knowing I will continue to heal. I can now move forward to enjoy life.
United Kingdom
Nourishment for the soul.
Nourishment for the soul with invaluable trauma insight and amazing healing knowledge resonating with me on a very deep level calming and restoring balance. I truly feel I am now on the path to healing and can refer to the ebooks for soul healing.Thank you!
New Zealand
Great set of information
Great set of information to use as an adjunct to therapy. Succinct and profound counterpoint to Bessel van der Kolk's broader overview ‘the body keeps the score.’ I strongly recommend anyone dealing with significant Trauma see specialized therapists and read these books.
United States
Very validating.
This was extremely insightful and very validating for what I have been going through for years. So glad I made this purchase!
United States
Were very helpful.
I really enjoyed learning something that I didn't understand. These books were very helpful to me and my recovery from PTSD.
United States
Really opened my eyes.
The ebook series really opened my eyes about trauma and PTSD. I found myself resonating with symptoms which helped me understand what I’m going through. The eBooks were so informing and well worth the read!! I’m grateful for the wealth of information.
Useful information.
Useful information for anyone interested in resolving trauma instead of just talking about it.
South Africa
Extremely helpful.
I read a lot of books on this topic but these books are extremely helpful and relevant. Excellent books!
United Kingdom
Very comprehensive and I achieved some new learning from each book and found the meditation exercises really good.
Relevant to my personal experience.
I found all of the ebooks very relevant to my personal experience, especially as it relates to trauma. It’s so difficult to find experts in the field of trauma, and much of my therapy has been very “textbook,” and always working from the top down. Roland’s work expresses the need to include the body (i.e. experiencing core emotions) in the therapeutic process, which has been very lacking in my previous experiences with therapists. From reading Roland’s books, and completing his meditations, I have come to understand my own relationship to trauma in a new way. It is with this new insight that I hope to explore anger, fear, and sadness in a new way, particularly as it relates to setting boundaries, and coming to understand who I am separate from others.
United States
Provide directions from the natural starting point.
A huge part of why I appreciate your theory is that you do have to start where you are when it comes to meditation; you can’t force yourself to start somewhere else. It always annoyed the hell out of me that all other meditations I had looked at online ALWAYS instructed you where to start, as though one can just flick a switch and feel differently. It would be like logging into Google maps for directions and having the system tell you that you CAN’T start from your house if you want to get to “x”; you have to start somewhere else, but not telling you how to GET to the place where you need to start. It drove me mad. Having said that, I’m glad that you emphasize this point over and over, and provide directions from the natural starting point.
United Kingdom
A wonderful confirmation.
I have been in a process of healing a complex trauma for a long time now, and can say that I have finally gotten to a place where the wound is not the central driver of my life anymore! But of course, there are so many layers to the work, one can always understand further! And I do fully agree that a combination of somatic and cognitive work is needed in order to heal. Your ebooks have been a wonderful confirmation for me, and it has also helped me cognitively understand some details I didn't before. Things about guilt, for example, and how guilt is a way to conceptualize the pain, in order to escape it. Thank you for your work!
You have gained my trust 100%
Roland, I haven't read all the books yet as I have been very busy. I also ordered other videos from other practitioners. I find whenever I read the transcript of the videos or your material that I always cry because it is a relief that someone knows my inner world and my condition honestly and it gives me great comfort to know that and that there are things I can do to improve my situation. Thank you for your great work in this area.
Assisted me in understanding.
Gaining insight into my behavior has been a catalyst for some major realization about where I've come from and where I need to be. Normalizing my behavior helps to rebuild my self esteem. Very insightful. Assisted me in understanding my behavior and beginning to heal
I have found I can find a release.
Although at this point I have not completed reading all the information due to difficulty in holding my focus and maintaining concentration I have found much of what I’ve read as confirming. This was brain food ; my brain can rationally see the way Truama plays out my emotional side struggles. Theses books have given me tools with which I can begin to sort what I need to nurture, what I want to nurture and what I can let go of. Thank you.
United Kingdom
Comprehensively written.
Very comprehensively written and gave me a lot more insight into this area, to help with my client work. Highly recommended!
Helped me to identify many aspects.
Yes, your ebooks helped me to identify many aspects to myself that i am now ready to understand as carrying trauma regarding primary relationships. They seemed to show up at the right time for me and helped me in gaining a rational grasp of what was before enigmatic suffering seeming without source.
United States
Very helpful.
These meditations have been very helpful in guiding me more fully into embodiment.
Informative and straightforward.
Found the information informative and straightforward. Very easy to understand. I know I will read over and over again as I help a family member work through their CPTSD.
Knows his stuff.
Roland definitely knows his stuff. Really informative read.
United States
A fresh perspective.
Very concise and precise information is conveyed. Most of it was a review for me yet with a fresh perspective and a deeper level than before.
Able to manage my triggers and symptoms better.
I found The Trauma Essentials ebooks to be great resources which I've benefited from. In particular, I'm able to manage my triggers and symptoms better without becoming overwhelmed.
United States
Easily grasped and assimilated.
I really enjoy reading through these books. The mental and emotional complexities of trauma are presented in a way that for me was easily grasped and assimilated. Great resource in my opinion.
South Africa
To set a lot of people free.
Roland Bal has amazing insight when it comes to the mechanics of trauma and its effects on some people. He applies this knowledge in his ebooks and online material to set a lot of people free. Thank you!
Major resource for me in healing.
I have found Roland’s audio meditations to be a major resource for me in healing from trauma. I use them regularly. Roland’s knowledge of trauma is incredible and the meditations are delivered at slow and steady pace. I find this very helpful for keeping myself regulated and for building resilience.
New Zealand
Valued their content.
As a veteran of abuse & bullying—and the trauma associated—I can really appreciate how these help others who’ve not had the opportunity to connect to their core emotional issues. I certainly enjoyed them and valued their content, along with the eBooks. In gratitude of your work.
United Kingdom
Informative and useful.
I found these books informative and useful. Having just been diagnosed with dissociative disorders I needed to understand what it was and how to cope. I am still working my way through the books but the information is helping me to understand.
United Kingdom
Useful tools.
For me these books gave clarity to the confusing nature of my symptoms. Information and guidance in the books have both been useful tools so far in my journey towards healing my ptsd.
United States
Important information that resonated.
The trauma series helped me navigate through important information that resonated with my experience with PTSD. They also gave me the tools to understand the complexity and how the process of therapy works. Thank you, Roland.
It’s invaluable.
I listen to the meditations twice daily. It has really helped me to sleep through the night after so many years of not sleeping. I also listen to the anxiety meditation upon wakening to help manage my anxiety when needed. It’s invaluable. Many thanks
United Kingdom
Explains PTSD and its symptoms incredibly well.
Roland explains PTSD and its symptoms incredibly well and have found all his writing both informative and healing. Thank you so much.
United States
Important information that resonated.
The trauma series helped me navigate through important information that resonated with my experience with PTSD. Also gave me tools to understand the complexity and how the process of therapy works. Thank you, Roland.
United States
Fresh and relevant.
Excellent books on trauma and complex-ptsd. I keep wanting to read everything over and over. I’ve learned a lot of information that is fresh and relevant.
These meditations are working.
CPTSD, and dissociation are the core problems that I face, and for the past 3 years, I have been to many therapists. CBT, EMDR, headspace meditations, I have tried all these things, and sure, they affected me positively, and I became better, but I wasn't able to feel like who I'm. I have been emotion-less, body-less, self-less, and I have been just nothing, with no concept of time. I still can't believe it's 2019, like how? I'm doing these meditations twice a day: in the morning as well as in the evening, and yeah, I'm able to feel certain parts of my body. After I do meditation, I defecate, and then there is a lot of burping, agitation, and I cry, and it goes like this .I was about to end my life, and then I read an article that led me to your site, and then I saw these meditations and ebooks. I purchased the ebooks, but I wasn't able to read them because of my lack of focus & concentration, so I decided to go for meditations. Right now, I'm jobless, but as these meditations are working, so I'm pretty confident that in a month or two, I will start back my job, and then I will start therapy with you.
United States
Gives me lots of comfort.
The books are easy to read and understand. I feel like they've been written just for me and that there is someone there who really understands trauma and it's effects so well and that gives me lots of comfort. I have benefited a lot because understanding trauma and it's dynamics has helped me understand me and my history and has given me strength to contain my self and to kind of be whole in my brokenness. Thank you!
United States
Were eye opening and brought me much comfort.
All 4 of these books were eye opening and brought me much comfort. I highly recommend any survivor from childhood trauma to read all of Roland's work. Knowledge is power and in this case an awareness to what truly is going on inside of me and why helped me tremendously. I only wish I would have read this decades ago, but better now then never. Thank you for the work you do.
Helped me see the big picture.
I found these books very helpful in understanding why after all these years I have to remember again my trauma due to a trigger that I didn't know was there. Really helped me see the big picture on how this happened and given me strength to contain myself and to kind of be whole in my brokenness. Thank you!
United States
Really helping me to understand better.
Reading the books is really helping me to understand better how I react and re-act. It's very important for my process of healing myself from trauma by understanding the mechanisms.
United States
Helped me to acknowledge.
I'm glad I purchased the ebooks on trauma. They were really easy to read, understand and relate to. They helped me to acknowledge the genuine presence of trauma in my life.
Excellent resource and outstanding value.
Excellent resource and outstanding value. Top practitioners in their field and much-needed research and expertise for trauma treatments, with deep implications for human rights and ethical policy development. Thank you!
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