the trauma essential series
Start Healing Your Post-TRAUMATIC Stress
You need one clear path!
Post-Traumatic Stress is varied, and encompasses so many symptoms that it can be confusing, lead to misunderstandings, and often begets incorrect diagnoses.
Rather than have a multitude of labels and disorders put on you, you want one clear overview of what is going on with you.
These Trauma Essentials address the core mechanisms that are part and parcel of ANY kind of trauma.
These eBooks are in pdf format and can be printed out.
About The Course Facilitator,
Roland Bal
In the field since 2002, I have helped hundreds of people, through individual sessions, to make significant change in their personal well being. Additionally, I have reached many thousands more through my insightful, accurate, and descriptive writings about the harrowing conditions of Complex Trauma and PTSD, and have pointed the way towards what can be done about it in order to heal.
My unique approach focuses on containing, regulating and processing, dissociation, the fight-flight-freeze-please responses, and re-learning boundaries and vulnerability.
I'll be honored to work with you and help you make real progress towards recovery!
Roland Bal
Here’s what people are saying about The Trauma Essential Series
Have a look at these authentic testimonials from people who love Roland's work!
United States
More helpful to me than many counselors.
These eBooks have been more helpful to me than the many counselors that I have tried throughout my life. Thank you so much for writing these and making them available to people like me.
South Africa
These eBooks have meant the world to me!
These eBooks and blog articles have meant the world to me. They tied together symptoms and behaviors that years of psychoanalysis and self study have not done. Now I have an explanation and I can finally get a grip on the problem.
I am truly relieved to come across Roland's eBooks.
After years of suffering and countless therapists and medications I am truly relieved to come across Roland and his eBooks that gives me the explanations that have eluded me all of this time at 48.
What's Inside The Trauma Essential Series

Insights into Post-Trauma Dynamics
Explores why we fail to overcome trauma, the need for control, the rupture of boundaries and vulnerability, what trauma does to our nervous system and emotions, and how trauma restructures our identity. Reading this book will help you gain insight and understanding into the intimate functioning of your mind, heart, and emotions while going through, or having gone through trauma.

Symptoms, and Conditions of Trauma
Learn more about the manifold symptoms of Trauma and CPTSD by going deeper into how trauma sets off and contributes to chronic pains, exhaustion, bipolar disorder, depression, and addiction. This eBook will give you more clarity and understanding as to why you suffer certain symptoms and what the relationship is between what you experienced, your emotions and your nervous system responses.

Developmental Childhood Trauma
This eBook invites you to explore identity and patterning of the nervous system as it relates to childhood trauma. Furthermore, reenactment, developmental and attachment trauma, the habit of illness, suppressed anger, love, sex and vulnerability will be addressed. “Past – Present – Future” will make you aware of the long-term ramifications of childhood trauma and will open up a different perspective.
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Have a look at how others have benefited
See what these people have to say about The Trauma Essentials:
So much powerful insight!
I’m loving your e-books and meditations and they are very effective. I’ve never read and heard so much powerful insight packed in such few words on trauma healing.
United States
These books were eye opening.
All of these books were eye opening and brought me much comfort. I highly recommend any survivor from childhood trauma to read all of Roland’s work
New Zealand
Easy to read, understand and relate to.
I am glad I purchased the eBooks on trauma. They were really easy to read, understand and relate to. They helped me to acknowledge the genuine presence of trauma in my life.

Healing Trauma and Dissociation
Looks at the processes of dissociation from a physical, emotional and spiritual perspective and how these relate to different personality types. The second part of this eBook focuses on how to bring Post-Traumatic Stress and CPTSD to resolution by healing anxiety, fear, desire, overcoming, perspectives of time, resilience and ultimately growth.

Questions & Answers
Bonus 1: On top of the value of the four Trauma Essential eBooks I am including the “Insights into the Complexity of Trauma – Questions and Answers” eBook for you. This eBook displays my unique and particular approach to trauma which is based on real-time concerns and questions, from people just like you.

Conversations between Roland Bal & Dr. Art O'Malley
Bonus 2: Dr. Art and I got together, for six conversations, and went deeply into how dissociation manifest and how it relates to different types of trauma and character expression. This is a brand new eBook, of these six conversations, that has been added to The Trauma Essential Series. Discover more about the ways you cope, when you have experienced trauma, and ways to heal from the perspective of two professionals in the field of trauma.
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Listen to what people are saying about The Trauma Essential Series
Read what these resources have meant to others:
United States
Essential to my healing.
Roland's books have been essential to my healing of Complex PTSD. One can not rely on the support of a knowledgeable therapist alone, yet, you can arm yourself with this type of helpful information that may save your life.
South Africa
Easy to understand and engage with.
The information is well written and accessible, making it easy to understand, but more importantly to engage with it practically. I have found the material insightful and useful and this makes it a meaningful resource.
United States
I have seen a lot of progress!
Roland has helped me look at trauma issues from a very practical, simple, and most importantly, effective viewpoint. I’ve seen a lot of progress on my journey by understanding trauma binding factors, as he describes them.

The Most Important Journey..
I won’t lie about it; working through Complex Trauma or PTSD is a tough journey to make. It takes patience, persistence, and dedication, as there will be moments of breakdown before breakthroughs. Often, it will feel like you are navigating a minefield, where you have to be careful to not open up too much all at once, and feel overwhelmed again, while at the same time steadily keep pushing forward into potentially dangerous emotional territory.
However, through careful entry and exit into that emotional territory—while avoiding the extremes of getting too overwhelmed or dissociated—you will be able to build up resilience and containment.
It is in that state of sufficient resilience and containment that you are starting to process your past and, from there, can create the possibility of a new future.
I am convinced that we can do this, and it would be an honor to facilitate you on your healing journey.
To your recovery!
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